BULLET; Handmade Lure Speciality
Bullet is making handmade lures. This is the best fitting description of this brand.
And their lures are unique enough to attract many fans, with strong messages that their product is to have fun in bass fishing.
One of their first lures is the MOGACROBE.
Japanese bass fishing is becoming a niche. There are many different segments, and each segment has its corners sharpened to be cutting edge.
In the crawler world of top water of the bass fishing, this MOGACROBE is a versatile player. It can be used at various retrieve speeds. Dead slow to make the slow flapping on the surface, to the fast searching for the fish.
On the same table, there is MEGACROBE, the fatter brother of MOGACROBE. It has the special character to be very effective at the dead slow retrieve speed.
Made from the hand carved foam material, it allows the creator to try various shapes without any concerns about the mold cost of ABS materials. These fun can only be possible with the superb lure builder and dedicated bass fisherman.
Company information
Official homepage: https://www.basu84bullet.com/
Any inquiries of the product or the brand, please contact to fishing business consulting company CB Trade Inc. contact@cbtrade.jp