KCE Tackle; Pop Feel in Bass Lures with Boat Sea Bass Background

KCE is a unique brand, not only because it produces the unique lures but the designer was a boat sea bass fishing guide.

There may be no better position than to be fishing guides to know which lures work well, wherever you are in the world. They have a lot of experience to see which kind of lures work well and which do not. Without any biases of supporting brands, their client fishermans are using various lures.

The designer of this KCE has a lot of such experience. He noticed that some lures are working, and found that these lures have something in common. Weight, shape, floatation, balance etc. The total balance is the key. 

KCE’s lures are made from that point of view.


Among their sea bass lures, this one is called “magic metal vibration” by some people.

Image from the official product page

This FG25 caught the 6 sea basses in a row during the product test, all were over 70 cm. This magic is coming from the combination of wobbling and rolling action, even though it is a metal vibration.

However, they are not missing the fun in fishing.

However, they are not missing the fun in fishing.

Image from their official Instagram

The lure above is also made under the KCE brand. This is the floating lure for the bass. Yes. Dinosaur. Why? I assume there is no answer. The answer is in the users.

It is fun to use something un-natural. You can see this cute dinosaur coming up while retrieving. This fun loving concept is just like a Big Bud lure.

Company information

Official website: https://www.kce-lure.com/

Official instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lurebland_kce/

Any inquiries of the product or the brand, please contact to fishing business consulting company CB Trade Inc. contact@cbtrade.jp

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